Shumi Beauty Box ™


About Us

Who We Are

Shumi Beauty Box is a brand that started in United Kingdom. Our mission is to provide high-quality products at affordable accessible prices.
You can see the documentation in the 'Company Products Information' section.

We believe in the positivity, creativity, vibrancy and unpretentious attitudes of today’s makeup and fashion lovers.
We encourage our users to have fun with colour, play as they learn, and help them gain confidence and skill.

Shumi Beauty Box is for every skin tone, ethnicity, age, gender, skill level and budget. We provide shipping to the UK, EU, USA, Australia and Canada. All products are alcohol free, vegan and 100% cruelty free.

Company Products Information:
Download the products pack information here. You will download files stating the ingredients used in each product.
This download also contains the certificate for all products stating they are vegan and cruelty free.
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